Tuesday, October 11, 2011

So tired......

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Well the day went pretty good except I kept thinking it was Monday!

Tomorrow my hours at work will change to an earlier shift.  I mean I'm up early anyway but ready early?  That's a different story.  It's not that I have to start the early shift  tomorrow but I figure when the kid moves I don't have a choice.  I might as well get used to it now.  Always the optimist I will be off earlier.  That's a plus.

Fighting to stay awake because "Family Jewels" premieres tonight and it's a must see on my list.  Gene and Shannon finally got married on Sat. Oct. 1st.  It's about time.  God I love that show.  Their "wedding show" is on Oct. 18th.  Mark it on your calendars people!

Anyway until later.............

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