Sunday, October 23, 2011

I Finally Have time

Sunday, Ocrober 23, 2011

Finally I have some time to sit and post.  Well I'm officially beat, but in a good way.  We spent the afternoon at the kid's new place after some shopping earlier buying stuff for her new place.  I helped her get stuff organized and get her to feel more settled in.  Some more purchases are necessry though to complete the process and make it a real home.  I have to admit I love being a part of it all. 

It was nice, just us and no one else spending time with her.  Her place is beautiful and I love the new furniture.  I know she's going to be happy there and I have a good feeling about it all.  So we went out to eat after and I couldn't help feeling protective of her and remembering when I first moved out on my own and how scared I was.  Hopefully it won't be the same for her.  I told her "remember, we're just a phone call away".  I want her to know that we're here for her no matter what.  I never want her to feel she's alone.  It's the worst feeling in the world.......

Until later.....

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