Sunday, February 19, 2012

Serene Sunday!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

I don't know if I'm feeling serene or weary.  I'm writing this in a catatonic state because the day has been a busy one.  No nap today that's for sure. I'm exhausted but I'll forge ahead and fall into bed later.. 

I spent the morning cleaning and organizing before the kid and I headed down to spend the afternnoon with my mom.  The kid had spent the previous evening at our place and we all had  dinner at the local pub, then went home to watch "Paranormal Activity 3".  By the way, if you haven't seen it, DON'T.  Nothing like the first 2 believe me...

So today we took my mom out for lunch which we do as often as time allows and spent the afternoon eating, drinking and catching up.

Me & Mom

The kid

Another Pic of Me & Mom

So after we dropped mom off we drove to the kid's condo to check on Sushi (the kittten), feed her, etc.  God she's cute.  Then back here before the kid was off again to meet up with a friend for sushi (the food not the cat) and then returning here to watch another movie and spend the night.

The kid and Sushi today at her Condo

Tomorrow I intend to get a lot accomplished on "Connie" my laptop but they say that the road to hell is paved with good intentions...hehe

So have a good evening everyone!


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