Monday, May 28, 2012
Okay well I have to start off on a serious note.
I was watching Dr. Drew this morning on HLN and his guest was a woman who posted a picture on Facebook of her 12-year old daughter holding a sign meant to embarass and humiliate her regarding a posting that she had done on her Facebook holding an unopened bottle of beer.
The mom wanted to "teach her daughter a lesson about what's okay to post and what is not okay. I get it but I don't agree with this sort of punishment.
Humiliation and embarassment is NEVER okay. It's emotional abuse. Honestly, more attention has to be made in school about good parenting. People are having children with no idea how to raise them. If they lack common sense then they need to learn certain behavioural skills.
It's just plain cruel...
Now on another topic:
Restaurants around the city need to get on board with offering gluten-free meals and educating their staff.
For example, the kid and I went out to breakfast yesterday to begin our customary "mother & daughter" day. We frequent this particular restaurant a lot because of it's cozy atmosphere and delicious fried potatoes. Anyway, we had a different waitress this time and when we ordered breakfast she turned our order into this complicated ordeal. How difficult is it to order a regular breakfast and skip the toast and eggs? What should have took a minute ended up taking at least five. She doesn't didn't get it...
Wake up restaurant owners and get educated about offering wheat-free fare to your customers and I promise your business will grow. There's a lot of us out there.
Now there are many issues I'd like to touch on but time is of the essence. So I will continue my various rants throughout the week.
Please remember to hug your kids and for heaven's sake do not embarass or humiliate them. They will thank you one day....
Ciao everyone and have a great week!
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