Monday, March 5, 2012

Monday Dread

Monday, March 5, 2012

Why Monday dread.  Well shortly I have to get ready for the dentist.  Oh I know a lot of you have no fear of the dentist.  Well I do.  It goes back to my childhood when I had a denist who did not believe in "freezing".  My uncle would hold one of my arms down and the nurse would hold the other.  I was traumatized.  Unfortunately, that fear has stayed with me so even though I need to go I dread it.

Changing the subject, seeing Natalie yesterday was awesome as always.  She's much more alert now.  Some baby talk and she's able to keep her neck still.  A lot of changes in just a few short weeks.

Some photos from yesterday:

As you can see, we're proud grandparents.

I'll let you know how the dentist went assuming I return (lol).

Stay tuned.....


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