Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Wicked Wednesday!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

I call this post "Wicked Wednesday" because I'm actually getting stuff done today and that's "wicked".

Yesterday was a right-off because I felt drained all day so other than seeing the doctor and lunch with the kid, I mostly slept.

So I've been wanting to switch up the den for some time now but needed to empty a large shelving unit that stood in my way.  What a job that was.  Since there weren't any glass doors on the unit you can imagine how soiled everything was.  I had mostly wine glasses and bottles containing various types of liquor (most of which given to us as gifts over the years).  Now here's the fun part.  Each and every bottle and glass had to be scrubbed and then I had to figure out where to put everything. Mmmmm.......

The unit is now ready to toss but there's still much more work to do.  I think a break beckons...

Now for some "gluten-free" news:

On Saturday, June 8th a gluten-free fair is being held at the International Centre in Mississauga, Hall #1.  There is free parking and you can "try before you buy".  You can purchase tickets online at

Also, I am learning French online for my upcoming trip to Paris.  Wish me luck!  Now if I could only learn "cockney" for my trip to London then I'd be all set....hehe

That's all for now and hope everyone has a great day!!!


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