Thursday, January 10, 2013

Tiring Thursday!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Well it's been a week since I last posted.  Still plan to continue with my childhood journey but at a later date.

I called this post "Tiring Thursday" because I've been quite fatigued lately.  I don't know if it's post holidays weariness or my Celiac.   I do know I need to keep going in order to accomplish what needs to be done.  Also, my mom is not well so I have to put myself on the back burner for now.

She is in the hospital which is where she needs to be right now.  I've been trying to convince her to go for the last couple of weeks.  She hates hospitals with a passion so I know this isn't easy for her.  I'll keep you updated on her progress.

I'm so over winter right now and looking forward to the warmer weather.  I really only love the snow at Christmas and that's it.  I hate the cold.  I miss my patio and tending to my garden.

The kid has a few days off so just waiting for her to get back from her errands and maybe go grab a bite to eat if she's up for it as she's been fighting the flu.

Me and the Kid

Ahh Rome!

My favorite city in Italy is definitely Rome but I am envious of relatives of ours that are going to Venice for the festival next month.  I loved Venice and celebrated my birthday there but my heart belongs to Rome.  Besides I can't make it to Venice or Rome this year as I'm saving for my trip to Ireland with a close friend of mine. If I could do both believe me I would in a heartbeat.

Venetians in Costume

So there you have it.  Ireland not Italy for 2013.  That's okay though because I want to see where my mother's family grew up and will not pass up the opportunity.  Next...Edinburgh, the birthplace of my grandfather.
Have a fabulous day everyone and unitl later...



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